Established by a renowned psychologist and educator, Hayat Universal School (HUBS) Qatar is a Canadian British Columbia Certified Offshore School operating in Doha, Qatar. This is a wealthy, stable and progressive small country close to many travel destinations in the Middle East, Europe and Asia. We are a thriving learning community who offers a friendly environment and competitive remuneration.
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Our school at a glance
How it is like to work at HUBS and live in Qatar
Licensed Teacher Vacancies
British Columbia Program: Elementary Homeroom Teachers
British Columbia Program: Junior and Senior Secondary Teachers with specializations in: English, Humanities, Math and Science
Requirements for Professional Teaching Positions
Our school is a BC Offshore School. We must hire licensed teachers from BC and other Canadian provinces and Teachers who have Elementary Certification from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa. Teachers who are licensed in jurisdictions other than Canada British Columbia would be expected to work on their BC certification after they accept an official offer from the school.
• A minimum of two years of experience is required.
• Experience in differentiated learning and thematic instruction is strongly preferred
• Experience in ESL education is strongly preferred.
• International experience and/or an attitude of respect to other cultures is needed.
About Qatar
Qatar is a stable and wealthy small country. The government has a vision for this small country that makes citizens proud. Doha, the capital is the only city in the country. It is an upscale expatriate-friendly city that is close to many travel destinations. Qatar has taken major strides in developing education with many major international universities opening branches here. The country hosts a wealth of international and regional sports and cultural events. These are some links to introduce you to Qatar: